Powerlifting Blog

Getting back to the gym after Covid-19 lockdowns

Why blog at all?

I've started this blog for a few reasons:

  1. I code in my freetime and need a project to work on.
  2. As a journal for my lifts.
  3. To comment on how training has changed since Covid-19.

Things have definitely changed a lot this year. As I live and train in Scotland, I’ve been not training for more than 6 months. At the start of the year I was competing in my first competition and intermediate training.The training before the competition was the hardest I’ve ever done, and I got some new personal bests as a result.

empty squatrack

End of Linear Progression

After two months of going back to linaer progression (Starting Strength), I've decided jump to a Intermediate program

Maybe it's my old age but my hips aren't taking the punishment of LP very well. Squatting three times a week is getting to me.

Also my bench press and overhead press are starting to fail

    My lifts after LP (1RM) are:

  • Squat: 156kg
  • Bench Press: 79kg
  • Deadlift: 169kg
  • Overhead Press: 59kg

This is a long way from my previous bests. But since lockdown has forced me to not train for just over half a year, this isn't bad.

I briefly did Wendler's 531 for a week then realised the volume was way too low. So I'm currently doing Madcow 5x5.

Terry Proctor, 14th December 2020
man deadlifting